Photo's from.... Elayna Toby Singer's Kinetic Intentions Workshop at The Box Gallery

The Box Gallery
811 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405

Photo's from....

Kinetic Intentions: The Art, Science & Soul of Making Mobiles byElayna Toby Singer
Held at The Box Gallery on Sunday, September 18, 2016
Kinetic Intentions: The Art, Science & Soul of Making Mobiles is an

 inspiring county-wide project that intends to engage and entertain the community through free, artist-led mini-mobile workshops, in which participants will be guided through the art, science and soul of creating art that moves, while pondering their intentions for personal and environmental balance. Each mini-mobile will be constructed using fishing line and recycled seed pods from Florida’s Mahogany trees which are threatened to extinction in the wild.


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